Used to obtain water from a pressurised mains supply via underground hydrants. The standard outlet for underground valve hydrants according to BS750 is 2 ½˝ BSRT (LRT) male, although hydrants are still in use with other non-standard outlet connections. Vernon Morris are able to supply hydrant standpipes with a range of non-standard base connections in all combinations, whether it be single or double outlet or whether you require 2” or 2 ½” DCV.
Single Outlet Hydrant Standpipe (2" Delta Meter & DCV)
2” Delta Water Meter Standpipe
Size: 50mm
Max Working Pressure 16bar
Working Temperature: 50c
Max Flow Rate qs: 90m3/hr
Max Nom Flow Rate: 50m3/hr
Transitional Flow Rate: 0.9m3/hr
Min Flow Rate: 0.35m3/hr
Starting Flow Rate: 0.15m3/hr
qs to qt: +/- 2%
qt to qmin: +/-5%